Description: The taxlot layer contains all parcels in Deschutes County, as found on the county Assessor's Maps. The taxlot layer is the basis for many other layers; that is, other layers were built using the taxlot layer as the location control.
Definition Expression: N/A
Copyright Text: Deschutes County - Assessor's Office
Description: This table contains multiple data including situs address, subdivision and neighborhood data for Deschutes County, Oregon properties. Created from the Deschutes County Assessor's Office data which resides in the ORCATs system and Community Development Department data which originates in the Accela system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to one relationship with taxlots.
Description: This table contains improvements data used for appraisal of Deschutes County, Oregon properties. Created from the Deschutes County Assessor's Office data which resides in the ORCATs system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to one relationship with taxlots.
Description: This table provides the value information for real property accounts in Deschutes County, Oregon. Created from the Deschutes County Assessor's Office data which resides in the ORCATs system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to one relationship with taxlots.
Description: This table contains mailing address data for Deschutes County, Oregon properties. Created from the Deschutes County Finance Department data which resides in the ORCATs system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to one relationship with taxlots.
Description: This table contains ownership data for Deschutes County, Oregon properties. Created from the Deschutes County Assessor's Office data which resides in the ORCATs system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to many relationship with taxlots.
Description: This table contains property class and stat class codes which describe improvements on Deschutes County, Oregon properties. Created from the Deschutes County Assessor's Office data which resides in the ORCATs system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to many relationship with taxlots.
Description: This table contains serial or account number data for Deschutes County, Oregon properties. Created from the Deschutes County Assessor's Office data which resides in the ORCATs system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to many relationship with taxlots.
Description: This table contains cancelled taxlot numbers in Deschutes County, Oregon. Created from the Deschutes County Assessor's Office data which resides in the ORCATs system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to one relationship with taxlots.
Description: This table contains a list of the two most recent property transactions with descriptions of transaction types for properties in Deschutes County, Oregon. Created from the Deschutes County Assessor Department data which resides in the ORCATs system. Can be related to the taxlots GIS data table. This table has a one to one relationship with taxlots.